Tag Archives: tech

97 Things you do NOT want your System Administrator to say

1. Uh-oh…..
2. Shit!!
3. What the hell!?
4. Go get your backup tape. (You do have a backup tape?)
5. That’s SOOOOO bizarre.
6. Wow!! Look at this…..
7. Hey!! The suns don’t do this.
8. Terminated??!
9. What software license?
10. Well, it’s doing something…..
11. Wow….that seemed fast…..
12. I got a better job at Lockheed…
13. Management says…
14. Sorry, the new equipment didn’t get budgetted.
15. What do you mean that wasn’t a copy?
16. It didn’t do that a minute ago…
17. Where’s the GUI on this thing?
18. Damn, and I just bought that pop…
19. Where’s the DIR command?
20. The drive ate the tape but that’s OK, I brought my screwdriver.
21. I cleaned up the root partition and now there’s lots of free space.
22. What’s this “any” key I’m supposed to press?
23. Do you smell something?
24. What’s that grinding sound?
25. I have never seen it do *that* before…
26. I think it should not be doing that…
27. I remember the last time I saw it do that…
28. You might as well all go home early today …
29. My leave starts tomorrow.
30. Ooops.
31. Hmm, maybe if I do this…
32. “Why is my “rm *.o” taking so long?”
33. Hmmm, curious…
34. Well, my files were backed up.
35. What do you mean you needed that directory?
36. What do you mean /home was on that disk? I umounted it!
37. Do you really need your home directory to do any work?
38. Oracle will be down until 8pm, but you can come back in and finish your work when it comes up tonight.
39. I didn’t think anybody would be doing any work at 2am, so I killed your job.
40. Yes, I chowned all the files to belong to pvcs. Is that a problem to you?
41. We’re standardizing on AIX.
42. Wonder what this command does?
43. What did you say your (l)user name was…? ;-)
44. You did what to the floppy???
45. Sorry, we deleted that package last week…
46. NO! Not that button!
47. Uh huh……”nu -k $USER”.. no problem….sure thing…
48. Sorry, we deleted that package last week…
49. [looks at workstation] “Say, what version of DOS is this running?”
50. Oops! (said in a quiet, almost surprised voice)
51. YEEEHA!!! What a CRASH!!!
52. What do you mean that could take down the whole network?
53. What’s this switch for anyways…?
54. Tell me again what that ‘-r’ option to rm does
55. Say, What does “Superblock Error” mean, anyhow?
56. If I knew it wasn’t going to work, I would have tested it sooner.
57. Was that your directory?
58. System coming down in 0 min….
59. The backup procedure works fine, but the restore is tricky!
60. Hey Fred, did you save that posting about restoring filesystems with vi and a toothpick? More importantly, did you print it out?
61. OH, SH*T! (as they scrabble at the keyboard for ^c).
62. The sprinkler system isn’t supposed to leak is it?
63. It is only a minor upgrade, the system should be back up in a few hours. (This is said on a monday afternoon.)
64. I think we can plug just one more thing in to this outlet strip with out triping the breaker.
65. What is all this I here about static charges destroying computers?
66. I found this rabbit program that is supposed to test system performance and I have it running now.
67. Ummm… Didn’t you say you turned it off?
68. The network’s down, but we’re working on it. Come back after diner. (Usually said at 22:00 the night before thesis deadline…)
69. Ooops. Save your work, everyone. FAST!
70. Boy, it’s a lot easier when you know what you’re doing.
71. I hate it when that happens.
72. And what does it mean ‘rm: .o: No such file or directory’?
73. Why did it say ‘/bin/rm: not found’?
74. Nobody was using that file /vmunix, were they?
75. You can do this patch with the system up…
76. What happens to a Hard Disk when you drop it?
77. The only copy of Norton Utilities was on THAT disk???
78. Well, I’ve got a backup, but the only copy of the restore program was on THAT disk….
79. What do mean by “fired”?
80. hey, what does mkfs do?
81. where did you say those backup tapes were kept?
82. …and if we just swap these two disc controllers like this…
83. don’t do that, it’ll crash the sys…….. SHIT
84. what’s this hash prompt on my terminal mean?
85. dd if=/dev/null of=/vmunix
86. find /usr2 -name nethack -exec rm -f {};
87. now it’s funny you should ask that, because I don’t know either
88. Any more trouble from you and your account gets moved to the 750
89. Ooohh, lovely, it runs SVR4
90. SMIT makes it all so much easier……
91. Can you get VMS for this Sparc thingy?
92. I don’t care what he says, I’m not having it on my network
93. We don’t support that. We won’t support that.
94. …and after I patched the microcode…
95. You’ve got TECO. What more do you want?
96. We prefer not to change the root password, it’s an nice easy one
97. Just add yourself to the password file and make a directory…

Choose to sysadmin

choose no life.
choose no career.
choose no family.
choose a fucking big computer,
choose disk arrays the size of washing machines, modem racks, cd-rom writers, and electrical coffee makers.
choose no sleep, high caffeine and mental insurance.
choose no friends.
choose black jeans and matching combat boots.
choose chaire for your office in a range of fucking fabrics.
choose smtp and wondering why the fuck you are logged on on sunday morning.
choose sitting in that swivel chair looking at mind-numbing, spirit-crushing web sites, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth.
choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last in some miserable newsgroup, nothing more than an embarrasment to the selfish, fucked up lusers gates spawned to replace the computer-literate.

choose your future. choose to sysadmin.

Defining computer terms from a “Marketing” point of view

ALL NEW – The software is not compatible with previous versions.
ADVANCED DESIGN – Upper management doesn’t understand it.
BREAKTHROUGH – It nearly booted on the first try.
NEW – It comes in different colors from the previous version.
DESIGN SIMPLICITY – It was developed on a shoe-string budget.
EXCLUSIVE – We’re the only ones who have the documentation.
FIELD TESTED – Manufacturing doesn’t have a test system.
FOOLPROOF OPERATION – All parameters are hard coded.
FUTURISTIC – It only runs on the next-generation supercomputer.
HIGH ACCURACY – All the directories compare.
IT’S HERE AT LAST – We’ve released a 26-week project in 48 weeks.
MAINTENANCE FREE – It’s impossible to fix.
MEETS QUALITY STANDARDS – It compiles without errors.
PERFORMANCE PROVEN – It works through beta test.
REVOLUTIONARY – The disk drives go round and round.
SATISFACTION GUARANTEED – We’ll send you another copy if it fails.
STOCK ITEM – We shipped it once before, and we can do it again, probably.
UNMATCHED – It’s almost as good as the competition.
UNPRECEDENTED PERFORMANCE – Nothing ever ran this slow before.
YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT – We finally got one to work.

Download Windows 7 Beta

Va povesteam ieri despre fiasco-ul lansarii Windows 7 Beta. Iata ca Microsoft s-a trezit la realitate si a rezolvat aproape toate problemele aparute.

– au scos limita de downloaduri de 2,5 milioane, download-ul fiind valabil pana la 24 ianuarie 2009
linkul de download si instructiunile de instalare apar acum pe prima pagina a Windows 7
– cheia de activare apare instant, fara ‘nspe mii de refreshuri – bineinteles ca trebuie sa ai cont la ei si sa confirmi activarea
– downloadul functioneaza – dar numai din IE – dupa instalarea unui ActiveX (in cazul meu IE7, initial am incercat cu Google Chrome si nu a functionat)

Iata si anuntul oficial facut azi de Brandon LeBlanc:

I know many of you have had issues with the Windows 7 Beta site over the last 24 hours. As you may have noticed the download site has been up and running smoothly since this morning. That said, we apologize for the inconvenience that it caused some of you.

Due to an enormous surge in demand, the download experience was not ideal so we listened and took the necessary steps to ensure a good experience. We have clearly heard that many of you want to check out the Windows 7 Beta and, as a result, we have decided remove the initial 2.5 million limit on the public beta for the next two weeks (thru January 24th). During that time you will have access to the beta even if the download number exceeds the 2.5 million unit limit.

Iso-ul pentru versiunea de 32 biti are 2,44 GB, dar conexiunea cu serverul merge impecabil si trag cu viteza maxima pentru abonamentul meu.

Lansarea Windows 7 Beta – un mare fiasco

Dupa ce ieri toata lumea a anuntat cu tam-tam lansarea oficiala a Windows 7 Beta, azi tot internetul se plange de faptul ca versiunea NU se poate downloada. De ce ?

– serverele de download au crapat deja de cateva ori
– se zvoneste (eu nu am gasit un anunt oficial) ca doar 2,5 milioane de key de activare au fost puse la dispozitie, si toata lumea incearca sa le obtina de pe paginile :
https://www.microsoft.com/betaexperience/productkeys/win7-32/enus/default.aspx si respectiv
dar NUMAI dupa ce te inregistrezi pe site-ul Microsoft.
Nu inteleg de ce pentru ca acestea vor fi valabile doar pana la 1 iunie 2009, si in plus noua versiune se poate instala si testa fara probleme timp de 30 de zile (ca si pana acum), fara activare.
– Nu se gaseste nicaieri un link direct catre iso-urile respective.

Asa ca serverele respective sunt suprasolicitate, crapa des, si potentialii utilizatori sunt din ce in ce mai frustrati. Toata lumea da refresh pe paginile de mai sus (am citit comentarii de la utilizatori care deja trecusera de 100 de refreshuri).

Nu stiu cine a gandit lansarea in halul asta, si nu vreau sa stiu cati bani ia persoana respectiva. Dar cand vrei sa atragi utilizatorii (mai ales dupa marele fas numit Windows Vista) NU procedezi asa.

Asta e Microsoftul pe care il “iubim” cu totii.