Download Windows 7 Beta

Va povesteam ieri despre fiasco-ul lansarii Windows 7 Beta. Iata ca Microsoft s-a trezit la realitate si a rezolvat aproape toate problemele aparute.

– au scos limita de downloaduri de 2,5 milioane, download-ul fiind valabil pana la 24 ianuarie 2009
linkul de download si instructiunile de instalare apar acum pe prima pagina a Windows 7
– cheia de activare apare instant, fara ‘nspe mii de refreshuri – bineinteles ca trebuie sa ai cont la ei si sa confirmi activarea
– downloadul functioneaza – dar numai din IE – dupa instalarea unui ActiveX (in cazul meu IE7, initial am incercat cu Google Chrome si nu a functionat)

Iata si anuntul oficial facut azi de Brandon LeBlanc:

I know many of you have had issues with the Windows 7 Beta site over the last 24 hours. As you may have noticed the download site has been up and running smoothly since this morning. That said, we apologize for the inconvenience that it caused some of you.

Due to an enormous surge in demand, the download experience was not ideal so we listened and took the necessary steps to ensure a good experience. We have clearly heard that many of you want to check out the Windows 7 Beta and, as a result, we have decided remove the initial 2.5 million limit on the public beta for the next two weeks (thru January 24th). During that time you will have access to the beta even if the download number exceeds the 2.5 million unit limit.

Iso-ul pentru versiunea de 32 biti are 2,44 GB, dar conexiunea cu serverul merge impecabil si trag cu viteza maxima pentru abonamentul meu.

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