Category Archives: tech

Defining computer terms from a “Marketing” point of view

ALL NEW – The software is not compatible with previous versions.
ADVANCED DESIGN – Upper management doesn’t understand it.
BREAKTHROUGH – It nearly booted on the first try.
NEW – It comes in different colors from the previous version.
DESIGN SIMPLICITY – It was developed on a shoe-string budget.
EXCLUSIVE – We’re the only ones who have the documentation.
FIELD TESTED – Manufacturing doesn’t have a test system.
FOOLPROOF OPERATION – All parameters are hard coded.
FUTURISTIC – It only runs on the next-generation supercomputer.
HIGH ACCURACY – All the directories compare.
IT’S HERE AT LAST – We’ve released a 26-week project in 48 weeks.
MAINTENANCE FREE – It’s impossible to fix.
MEETS QUALITY STANDARDS – It compiles without errors.
PERFORMANCE PROVEN – It works through beta test.
REVOLUTIONARY – The disk drives go round and round.
SATISFACTION GUARANTEED – We’ll send you another copy if it fails.
STOCK ITEM – We shipped it once before, and we can do it again, probably.
UNMATCHED – It’s almost as good as the competition.
UNPRECEDENTED PERFORMANCE – Nothing ever ran this slow before.
YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT – We finally got one to work.

The Unix Hierarchy


* insecure with the concept of a terminal
* has yet to learn the basics of vi
* has not figured out how to get a directory
* still has trouble with typing after each line of input


* knows that `ls’ will produce a directory
* uses the editor, but calls it `vye’
* has heard of `C’ but never used it
* has had his first bad experience with rm
* is wondering how to read his mail
* is wondering why the person next to him seems to like Unix so very much.


* uses vi and nroff, but inexpertly
* has heard of regular-expr.s but never seen one.
* has figured out that `-‘ precedes options
* has attempted to write a C program and has decided to stick with pascal
* is wondering how to move a directory
* thinks that dbx is a brand of stereo component
* knows how to read his mail and is wondering how to read the news

Knowledgable user

* uses nroff with no trouble, and is beginning to learn tbl and eqn
* uses grep to search for fixed strings
* has figured out that mv(1) will move directories
* has learned that “learn” doesn’t help
* somebody has shown him how to write C programs
* once used sed to do some text substitution
* has seen dbx used but does not use it himself
* thinks that make is a only for wimps


* uses sed when necessary
* uses macro’s in vi, uses ex when neccesary
* posts news at every possible opportunity
* write csh scripts occasionally
* write C programs using vi and compiles with cc
* has figured out what `&&’ and ‘||’ are for
* thinks that human history started with ‘!h’


* uses sed and awk with comfort
* uses undocumented features of vi
* write C code with `cat >’ and compiles with ‘!cc’
* uses adb because he doesn’t trust source debuggers
* can answer questions about the user environment
* writes his own nroff macros to supplement std. ones
* write scripts for Bourne shell (/bin/sh)
* knows how to install bug fixes


* uses m4 and lex with comfort
* writes assembly code with `cat >’
* uses adb on the kernel while system is loaded
* customizes utilities by patching the source
* reads device driver source with his breakfast
* can answer any unix question after a little thought
* uses make for anything that requires two or more distinct commands to achieve
* has learned how to breach security but no longer needs to try


* writes device drivers with `cat >’
* fixes bugs by patching the binaries
* can answer any question before you ask
* writes his own troff macro packages
* is on first-name basis with Dennis, Bill, and Ken

Program Development Terminology

1. A NUMBER OF DIFFERENT APPROACHES ARE BEING TRIED – We are still pissing in the wind.
2. EXTENSIVE REPORT IS BEING PREPARED ON A FRESH APPROACH TO THE PROBLEM – We just hired three kids fresh out of college.
3. CLOSE PROJECT COORDINATION – We know who to blame.
4. MAJOR TECHNOLOGICAL BREAKTHROUGH – It works OK, but looks very hi-tech.
5. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IS DELIVERED ASSURED – We are so far behind schedule the customer is happy to get it delivered.
6. PRELIMINARY OPERATIONAL TESTS WERE INCONCLUSIVE – The darn thing blew up when we threw the switch.
7. TEST RESULTS WERE EXTREMELY GRATIFYING – We are so surprised that the stupid thing works.
8. THE ENTIRE CONCEPT WILL HAVE TO BE ABANDONED – The only person who understood the thing quit.
9. IT IS IN THE PROCESS – It is so wrapped up in red tape that the situation is about hopeless.
10. WE WILL LOOK INTO IT – Forget it! We have enough problems for now.
11. PLEASE NOTE AND INITIAL – Let`s spread the responsibility for the screw up.
12. GIVE US THE BENEFIT OF YOUR THINKING – We`ll listen to what you have to say as long as it doesn`t interfere with what we`ve already done.
13. GIVE US YOUR INTERPRETATION – I can`t wait to hear this bull!
14. SEE ME or LET`S DISCUSS – Come into my office, I`m lonely.
15. ALL NEW – Code not interchangeable with the previous design.
16. YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT – It finally worked!
17. LOW MAINTENANCE – Impossible to fix if broken.

Download Windows 7 Beta

Va povesteam ieri despre fiasco-ul lansarii Windows 7 Beta. Iata ca Microsoft s-a trezit la realitate si a rezolvat aproape toate problemele aparute.

– au scos limita de downloaduri de 2,5 milioane, download-ul fiind valabil pana la 24 ianuarie 2009
linkul de download si instructiunile de instalare apar acum pe prima pagina a Windows 7
– cheia de activare apare instant, fara ‘nspe mii de refreshuri – bineinteles ca trebuie sa ai cont la ei si sa confirmi activarea
– downloadul functioneaza – dar numai din IE – dupa instalarea unui ActiveX (in cazul meu IE7, initial am incercat cu Google Chrome si nu a functionat)

Iata si anuntul oficial facut azi de Brandon LeBlanc:

I know many of you have had issues with the Windows 7 Beta site over the last 24 hours. As you may have noticed the download site has been up and running smoothly since this morning. That said, we apologize for the inconvenience that it caused some of you.

Due to an enormous surge in demand, the download experience was not ideal so we listened and took the necessary steps to ensure a good experience. We have clearly heard that many of you want to check out the Windows 7 Beta and, as a result, we have decided remove the initial 2.5 million limit on the public beta for the next two weeks (thru January 24th). During that time you will have access to the beta even if the download number exceeds the 2.5 million unit limit.

Iso-ul pentru versiunea de 32 biti are 2,44 GB, dar conexiunea cu serverul merge impecabil si trag cu viteza maxima pentru abonamentul meu.

Lansarea Windows 7 Beta – un mare fiasco

Dupa ce ieri toata lumea a anuntat cu tam-tam lansarea oficiala a Windows 7 Beta, azi tot internetul se plange de faptul ca versiunea NU se poate downloada. De ce ?

– serverele de download au crapat deja de cateva ori
– se zvoneste (eu nu am gasit un anunt oficial) ca doar 2,5 milioane de key de activare au fost puse la dispozitie, si toata lumea incearca sa le obtina de pe paginile : si respectiv
dar NUMAI dupa ce te inregistrezi pe site-ul Microsoft.
Nu inteleg de ce pentru ca acestea vor fi valabile doar pana la 1 iunie 2009, si in plus noua versiune se poate instala si testa fara probleme timp de 30 de zile (ca si pana acum), fara activare.
– Nu se gaseste nicaieri un link direct catre iso-urile respective.

Asa ca serverele respective sunt suprasolicitate, crapa des, si potentialii utilizatori sunt din ce in ce mai frustrati. Toata lumea da refresh pe paginile de mai sus (am citit comentarii de la utilizatori care deja trecusera de 100 de refreshuri).

Nu stiu cine a gandit lansarea in halul asta, si nu vreau sa stiu cati bani ia persoana respectiva. Dar cand vrei sa atragi utilizatorii (mai ales dupa marele fas numit Windows Vista) NU procedezi asa.

Asta e Microsoftul pe care il “iubim” cu totii.