Versuri Alesha Dixon – The boy does nothing
I got a man with two left feet
And when he dances down to the beat
I really think that he should know
That his rhythms go go go
I got a man with two left feet
And when he dances down to the beat
I really think that he should know
That his rhythms go go go
Does he wash up? Never wash up
Does he clean up? No, he never cleans up
Does he brush up? Never brushed up
He does nothing the boy does nothing
(Repeat chorus)
Hey boy how you been?
I got a thousand lines
Where do I begin?
And I, I been here, been there
I saw you at the corner
My vibe kicked in
Two fields
I clock you
Wearing tight jeans
A real nice suit
He was smiling like you
Was just seventeen
I asked him for a dance
He said ‘yes please’
Take a sip of dancing juice
Everybody’s onto you
Through the left and to the right
Everybody hit the rhythm
It’s on tonight
I’m gonna feel the heat within my soul
I need a man to take control
Let the melody blow you all away
Does he wash up? Never wash up
Does he clean up? No, he never cleans up
Does he brush up? Never brushed up
He does nothing the boy does nothing
(Repeat chorus)
Work it out now
Work it, Work it out now
Do the mambo
Shake it all around now
Everybody on the floor
Let me see you clap your hands
I wanna see you work
I wanna see you move your body in turn
I wanna see you shake your hips and learn
I wanna see you work it, work it, work it out now
I wanna see you work
I wanna see you move your body in turn
I wanna see you shake your hips and learn
I wanna see you work it, work it, work it out now
Does he wash up? Never wash up
Does he clean up? No, he never cleans up
Does he brush up? Never brushed up
He does nothing the boy does nothing
(Repeat chorus)
And if the man can’t dance, he gets no second chance
Tag Archives: versuri
DJ Project – Wherever you go
Noa – Explain the night
Noa – Explain the night
Explain the night to me
Explain the stars
Explain the way I feel
Explain the scars
Explain the outline of the trees against the sky
Explain the tangled words of love we can’t untie
Explain the night to me
Explain the black
And how the light was lost
And how to get it back
Explain the rising of the waves to swallow sand
Explain how difficult it is to hold your hand
We are wrapped around our needing
In a drunken trance
Will you swing and sway me slowly
And pretend to dance
We are wrapped around our sorrow
In a strong embrace
And between your temple and your eye I hide my face
Explain the night to me
The pregnant moon
Explain the sudden urge
The empty room
Explain the way to blue
And all the space
Explain the makeup swiftly streaked across my face
Explain the night to me
Explain the past
Explain the thrill of love
And why it cannot last
Explain the rings that slowly spread across the lake
And how to someday learn to live with my mistakes
We are wrapped around our needing
In a drunken trance
Will you swing and sway me slowly
And pretend to dance
We are wrapped around our sorrow
In a strong embrace
And between your temple and your eye I hide my face..
Conexiuni – Tu
Versuri Conexiuni – Tu
Tu, esti in globul de cristal
Ce-mi arata drumul catre mal
Cand ma pierd in lumea ta, si-as vrea
Sa inving tristetea grea
Tu, nevazuta dar te simt
Te ignor dar nu pot sa ma mint
Esti in ceea ce respir, esti tu
Firul ce ma leaga de miracolul din zori
Cand din vis cobori, in tot ce-ating in jurul meu
Chipul tau il vad mereu, in gand
Esti orice, oricum, oricand
Tu, asteptarea din amurg
Cand secundele incet se scurg
Cu atingeri moi de catifea
Alintate-n mana ta
Tu, esti ideea de intens
Cautarii mele-i dai un sens
Un motiv ca sa incerc mai mult
Tu esti vocea ce-o ascult
Esti chemarea de demult
Ce ma face sa nu-mi apartin, nu mai sunt eu
Nu mai e nimic al meu, estï tu
Nu pleca nu spune nu…
Pasărea Colibri – Ce de lupi se înconjoară
Versuri Pasarea Colibri – Ce de lupi se inconjoara
Iata, iata – stropi de ingeri cad in fum,
Iata, iata – lupii ies la drum,
Iata, iata – aripi grele trec in scrum,
Iata, iata – te tocesti de-acum.
Cheama-ti cainii langa tine
Lupii vin in cercuri line
Lupii cresc in noptile tiptile
Nu te-ntoarce-acum
Urca-aripi de fiare arse
Vreamea-ascute foc prin plase
Vremea-innoada ganduri roase
Taie-ti drum in drum
Cheama-ti cainii – se-mpletesc soapte de lut,
Culca-ti pasii – lupii calca mut,
Iata-ti cainii – prin gropi calde se invart,
Lasa-ti cainii – boturi vechi se-ascut.
Inveleste-ti rasu-n umbre,
Prea-s in drum doar coturi strambe –
Gheara stie lin sa umble,
Uita ce si cum,
Lin pe cale urca-ti urma,
Musuroaiele-si tin gura,
Urma-n urma scapa turma,
Primul, la ce bun?
Iata, iata – spini de panda ard pe crang,
Iata, iata – sopate arse curg,
Iata, iata – caluseii-n joc se frang,
Iata, iata – aerul ti-e stramt.
Dimineata nu-i senina,
Lupii semnul si-l anina,
Peste zare din colina,
Printre ochi de fum,
Lupii-si flutura iar goana,
Haita-ntreaga-si line rana,
Haita lung isi suna spaima,
Nu te-opri acum.