Category Archives: just 4 fun

Spovedanie pe Facebook

O tânără la spovedanie:
– Părinte, eu… ăăă…
– Ştiu, fiica mea ce ai făcut, că suntem prieteni pe Facebook, am văzut poze, am citit ce ai scris pe “perete”, mi-a fost îndeajuns!
– Şi ce trebuie să fac ca să fiu iertată, părinte ?
– Să dai “Like” la 10 mănăstiri !

Voi ati cobori din avion ?

100 IT managers were asked :
– If you were told that your team’s software was controlling the plane as you were taxiing ready for takeoff, would you get off?
99 said “Yes, I’d get off”
Only 1 IT manager said he would stay… “If it was our software that was running the plane, it would never leave the ground anyway…”